Your Care After Stapedectomy

Director at CHC

Dr. Hammerschlag is on the board of directors and an active provider to the nonprofit, Center for Hearing and Communication, which has been been providing hearing care since 1904.

New York Super Doctor

Following your surgery:


Please remove foam rubber outer ear dressing covering the ear the morning after surgery if not already removed. It is held in placed with a skin adhesive and peels off the skin behind and in front of the ear. Change the cotton at the junction of the outer ear canal and ear as needed i.e., if there is any drainage.

  1. NO water in the ear until inner ear canal pack is removed during your first post operative visit, usually five to seven days after surgery.
  2. Two days after your surgery, you can wash your hair if the ear canal packing is in place. Before then, use a shower cap, when bathing/showering.
    1. To avoid water in the ear, you may use Vaseline and cotton in the outer ear. This precaution should be followed for one week.
  3. Do not blow your nose for two weeks following surgery. You can “sniff” and sneeze with your mouth open.
  4. Activity Restrictions
    1. No heavy lifting or strenuous exercise until the packing is removed.
    2. You may drive if you are not having dizziness.
    3. No flying for three weeks following surgery.

At the time of surgery, packing will be placed in your ear canal and this will remain in place for about one week. During this time, you will notice diminished hearing in the operated ear. After the packing is removed it may take some time before your hearing to reach its improved level. Therefore, a post-operative hearing test may not be performed for six weeks after surgery.

You may also notice a temporary change in your sense of taste following surgery since the nerve that supplies the tongue may be disturbed during surgery.


You will probably receive a prescription for an antibiotic with instructions when you are discharged from the hospital. Please fill the prescription promptly and take all of the medicine as directed until the entire supply is gone.
You may also take Tylenol (acetaminophen) for discomfort.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, notify us immediately:

Severe Dizziness or Vertigo (spinning)
Nausea and/or Vomiting

Diminution, fluctuations, or distortion in hearing after the packing is removed
Constant ear pain and/or drainage after the packing is removed

Facial weakness

For more information about Otosclerosis and its surgery please go to: New York Ear Surgeon – Otosclerosis and Stapedectomy – Dr. Paul Hammerschlag

Practice Announcement

Dr. Paul Hammerschlag has retired after a long and distinguished career. His friend and colleague, Dr. Darius Kohan, Associate Professor at NYU School of Medicine and Director of Otology/Neurotology at Lenox Hill Hospital and MEETH, will continue to manage his practice and provide continued care for his patients. Please contact his office at 1-212-472-1300 to schedule an appointment.

Please read Dr. Hammerschlags' full retirement and practice transfer announcement here.

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